Crystal Christmas Club
Now you can buy your own gift!
For everyone who has always wanted that bigger item but can't afford it.
Get all your family and friends to put your birthday and Christmas money towards your amazing Christmas present to yourself.
You can deposit as much as you like, as often as you like. This will accumulate throughout the year. Come December, I will wrap your surprise gift (s) and send them to you to open on Christmas day. How super doper exciting is that!!
You are welcome to let us know what sort of items you like. It maybe raw crystals, animals, HUGE crystals, or just a big surprise of our choosing. Whatever takes your fancy.
NOTE: It will be a surprise. We will be purchasing your personalized, amazing gift throughout the year as you build up a credit.
Refunds / credits will not be available on the Christmas Crystal Club as purchases will be made throughout the year as we spot amazing items to go towards your exciting Christmas present.
What do you want under your Christmas tree?